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Case Studies for Inclusive Educators and Leaders


Pages: 303
Published: July 28, 2018
ISBN: 978-0-9918626-3-4
Price: $23.99

by Darrin Griffiths & James Ryan

This book features case studies from teachers, leaders and educational professors on inclusion in schools. Using a conception of inclusion that acknowledges issues of race, gender, class, sexual orientation, religion and ability, this book provides readers with a useful blend of theory and practice. Each case is situated in a school setting and offers readers opportunities to learn about the complexities and challenges associated with issues of exclusion and to develop practices that support inclusion.

Reviews for Case Studies for Inclusive Educators and Leaders

This book provides great case studies of inclusion that will spark reflection and discussion for educational leaders to act.“None of us enter the field of educational leadership not to take actions.” This is a quote within this book that resonates with me because it highlights a dichotomy, one that is reassuring and problematic at the same time. As educational leaders we bring our lived experiences to our practices and decision making each day and we need to have mechanisms in place, whether that be a critical mentor, an advisory committee, or a intentional new learning experiences, that will challenge our biases to ensure that the “actions” we are taking provide equitable access and opportunity for all students and staff to feel valued, safe, accepted, and supported if we are committed to improving outcomes for all students.
Manny Figueiredo, Director of Education, Hamilton-Wentworth District School Board, Ontario, Canada

This is a compelling text with useful practical guides for educators and field practitioners broadly defined. The international scope of the book makes it highly significant and relevant, pointing the nuances, challenges and possibilities of inclusivity, social justice and equity education in contemporary times. This work clearly offers intellectual openings for critical dialogues, social criticisms and speculative imaginaries of new educational futurity.
George J. Sefa Dei, Profession of Social Justice Education & Director, Centre for Integrative Anti-Racism Studies, OISE, University of Toronto